Leadership Team 25+

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Hi My name is James Burford  

What is your Scouting role:
Explorer leader 25th Medway 

Why did you want to participate in ArcticQuest2026?
I would like to see the northern lights under sail in the arctic circle.

Something about life:
I like scuba diving.
Hi my name is Gemma Wood. 

What is your role within Scouting? 
I am a Squirrel Section Leader with 1st West Malling Scout Group. I have been running the group with my leadership team since 2022. Prior to this I volunteered with the Cub section with 1st Ockendon Scout Group in Thurrock. Whilst living and working in Thurrock I was part of Network.  I have been involved in Explorers (in Kent) for a short period of time. 

Why did you want to participate in ArcticQuest2026? 
I was inspired by my husband going on ReQuest2021 to Antarctica following the launch. This inspired me to get back into Scouting and start something new with the youngest section of Scouting….Squirrels! I often hear Squirrels are too young to do an activity, which spurred me on to apply as this may inspire our youngest section you can achieve anything, and to have adventures of their own within Scouting and further afield. 
I love having adventures, and this would be an amazing opportunity to help crew a tail ship in Arctic waters. This would certainly take me out of my comfort zone as I’ve sailed a small boat when I was a Guide and then with my husband and Scouting friends for a week. I enjoy being part of a team and working towards the smaller goals to achieve the bigger goal. 
I have watched numerous documentaries on the Arctic and those that inhabit the polar region. What shocks me is that those inhabitants have had to adapt their way of life compared to their ancestors due to ice caps melting; as of a result of climate change.  I am keen to highlight the message to future younger generations that our planet is precious and we must look after our planet as the eco-system is fragile; so we can sustain and maintain the planet for future generations to come. 

A little about your life? 
I live in the West Malling area and I’m married to Matt, and have two young children age 4 and 2.  My family keep me active; but I do enjoy the outdoors when I have an opportunity. I enjoy cycling, running and swimming outdoors.  I do have some hobbies such as baking, knitting and gardening. 

What is your favourite Scouting moment? 
This is a tough question as Scouting has given me many opportunities to be involved in camps and lots of activities. I have visited Sweden as a young leader; completed a Static-line parachute jump as part of Network.  The one memory that sticks in my mind the most is meeting Matt up a climbing wall all those years ago! 
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Hi My Name is Joshua Carr.

What is your role within Scouting? 
I am a Assistant Beaver Scout leader. My Group is 1st Westgate-On-Sea this is in the Thanet District.

Why did you want to participate in ArcticQuest2026? 
I would love to travel the world and learn all about the Arctic. I would love to come home and tell all the young people what I have learnt about the arctic and polar Research.

A little about your life? 
I am a head chef in Broadstairs. I have 2 amazing children who both are in scouting, My Youngest is in cubs and my eldest is in scouts. I love being outdoors and Camping.
Hi my name is Helen Smith

What is your Scouting role:
A Duke of Edinburgh Adviser

Why did you want to participate in ArcticQuest2026?
I was lucky enough to be on the team for ReQuest2021 to Antarctica with Kent Scouts which only sparked my interest in the Polar regions.  I am an avid traveller and love pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

Something about life:
My partner and I foster cats from Battersea
Hi I am Mike Keam

What is your Scouting Role.
Assistant Group Scout Leader for 2nd Whitstable Sea Scouts.

Why did you want to participate in ArcticQuest2026? 
I have always been fascinated by Arctic exploration and I don’t mind the cold. I spent the early part of my working life as a ski instructor and the rest of my time at sea. I love being on snow or water and this is the chance of a lifetime to combine both and explore.

A little about your life? 
I am married and have a three-year-old daughter called Amelia and a dog called Rocky. I have a couple of boats and love being at sea. When I’m not boating or doing other general scouting activities, I like playing in our troop marching band.
Hi my name is Lydia

What is your role within Scouting? 
I’m a Beaver Leader from 7th Sheppey.

Why did you want to participate in ArcticQuest2026? 
Going to the Artic circle is a once in a life time opportunity that I just couldn’t pass up. I’m also very excited to be going with my husband.

A little about your life? 
I love travel, adventure and I have a bucket list of usual modes of transport, so living and working on a boat as part of this journey will definitely be in my top 3. 

Fun fact about me!
I love board games and have over 70 different types at home. My favourite is possibly Settlers of Catan but I do love Ticket to Ride.
Hi my name is Ricky.

What’s your scouting role?
Cub Section Leader

Why did you want to participate in ArcticQuest2026? 
This is an amazing opportunity to visit a part of the world that very few people get to go and see. To help young experience this as well makes it more worthwhile.

A little about your life? 
Recently married to fellow leadership member Lydia

What’s your favourite scouting moment. 
Taking my group onto the Cutty Sark and convincing them to look for the ships cat called the “Catty Shark”

Hi My name is Tim O’Brine  

What is your Scouting role:
Group Lead Volunteer at 2nd Tonbridge Land Scouts and regular helper at 14th Tonbridge Sea Scouts leading explorers in kayaking, paddle boarding and powerboat sessions. 

Why did you want to participate in ArcticQuest2026?
Participating in the ArcticQuest2026 Expedition is a profound personal and professional aspiration. The untouched wilderness and extreme environments of the polar regions have always inspired me, especially as a marine biologist eager to explore the oceans’ mysteries. The anticipated unforgettable experience lies in the silence of these remote areas, where nature’s voice prevails. Additionally, the opportunity to actively contribute to meaningful research projects, such as investigating microplastics in the Arctic Circle and conducting plankton sampling, aligns perfectly with my commitment to making a lasting impact on our understanding of these critical ecosystems.

Something about life:
I am a dedicated scientific author, driven by an unwavering passion for marine conservation and the restoration of coral reefs, while actively researching the devastating impact of plastic pollution in our precious aquatic environments. Fuelled by my love for the ocean, I’ve immersed myself in a plethora of water sports, from exhilarating scuba diving to thrilling powerboating, serene kayaking, and even the dynamic world of underwater hockey! But beyond my adventurous pursuits, I am blessed with an incredible support system—my amazing wife, Flick, and our two wonderful children, Sophia (8) and Phoebe (6), who inspire and encourage me every step of the way on this thrilling journey!